伝統に執着する家柄のせいで古臭い格好を義務付けられ、「芋くさ令嬢」と馬鹿にされていたアニエス。あるパーティー中、王女殿下から婚約破棄された公爵の息子ナゼルを助けたことで、彼との結婚を命じられる! しかし、命令で結婚したはずの二人は、本物の恋に落ちていき!?
Agnes, who was ridiculed in the social circles for being an unfashionable noble, happened to help Nazelbert, the duke’s son, who had been betrothed to the Princess.However, the Princess saw this and ordered Nazelbert to marry Agnes as punishment.Isn’t it terrible to marry me as a punishment? Look, he seems to hate it too. Wait, he doesn’t?This is a story about an unfashionable noble and a duke’s son, who grow closer to each other.