平等院 澪亜(びょうどういん れいあ)は家が没落し、いじめっ子に狙われて…と最悪の日々を送っていた。ところが、ある日、不思議な鏡の中の世界へ旅立ち、「聖女」となる。すると、謎のスキルが身についたうえ、なぜかダイエットにも成功! 皆が振り返るほどの美少女に…!?異世界でも、現実でも聖女チートで大逆転!
Byodoin Mioa (Reia) was having the worst day of her life, with her family falling and bullies targeting her… One day, however, she travels to a world in a mysterious mirror and becomes a ‘saint’. Then she acquires mysterious skills, successfully loses weight and transforms into a beautiful figure. In the other world and in reality, the saint cheat is a great turnaround!