冒険者たちがとる貧相な食事を残念に思う酒場の店主・ヨイシ。彼はある日、とある新米冒険者たちのため、街の迷宮で採れる苦くて食べられないとされる「石胡桃(いしくるみ)」の調理法を探りはじめるのだが……? 一人の料理人と迷宮食材の数々が、異世界の質素な食事事情を劇的に変えていく、痛快酒場繁盛記!!
Yoishi, the owner of a bar, is disappointed with the poor food his adventurers are eating. One day, he begins to explore the cooking method, a bitter and inedible food found in the city’s labyrinth, for a group of new adventurers. One chef and a variety of ingredients from the labyrinth dramatically change the simple food situation in another world in this exciting story of a thriving bar!