シーフギルドに所属する少女・クレイ。父から厳しい教えを受け、鍛錬を積んだ彼女は前人未踏とされるダンジョンの地下8階を踏破。さらに深層へと向かうが、そこで待ち受けていたのは…管理人を名乗る魔法使いで!? 双見酔が描く、秘められし迷宮の裏側の世界。
An unexplored dungeon, filled with monsters and traps. An expert thief, searching for her lost father. When Clay delves into the dungeon deeper than any adventurer has ever gone, she is offered a job by the dungeon’s caretaker! Now, instead of exploring, Clay must learn how to interview new monsters, set traps and position slimes around the dungeon. Will this new career path bring her any closer to finding her father?