Femrude is picked up by the legendary Fenrir as a baby. Originally Japanese, the reborn 12-year-old spends his days being spoiled by his beloved new mother, while being brought up with lots of love.
To give back to his precious family, he reproduces Japanese cuisine in this new world, one dish after another. To his surprise, not only his mother (Fenrir), but also the beastmen living in this world love his food.
Solving problems one after another with his honest, gentle character, and the skills to attract both races, he aims to become a bridge between the humans and the beastmen!
Even magicians will jump! This fluffy gourmet fantasy is about to start!
Para retribuir a su preciosa familia, reproduce la cocina japonesa en este nuevo mundo, un plato tras otro. Para su sorpresa, no sólo su madre (Fenrir), sino también los bestias que viven en este mundo aman su comida.
Resolviendo problemas uno tras otro con su carácter honesto y gentil, y las habilidades para atraer a ambas razas, su objetivo es convertirse en un puente entre los humanos y los bestias!
¡Hasta los magos saltarán! Esta esponjosa fantasía gourmet está a punto de comenzar!