文武両道、容姿端麗、パーフェクトな生徒会長を演じ切る男、土御門聖。そんな聖が放課後に見てしまったのは、いつもはおとなしいクラスメイト・佐渡さんがドSに教師をいじめる姿だった――! 佐渡の秘められし性癖に、完璧な生徒会長が巻き込まれていく…! 人には言えないコトがあるアナタに贈る、異色ラブコメ!
Hijiri Tsuchimikado is a man playing the role of the perfect student council president, with his good looks and excellent grades in both school and sports. After school, he witnesses his usually quiet female classmate Mitsuki Sado, tormenting their teacher Tamura in a sadistic way! The perfect student council president gets caught up in miss Sado’s secret fetish!This is an unusual romantic comedy for those of you who have things you can’t tell others!