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Iinchou desu ga Furyou ni Naru Hodo Koishitemasu! 2
Iinchou desu ga Furyou ni Naru Hodo Koishitemasu!
Followed by 155 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Iinchou desu ga Furyou ni Naru Hodo Koishitemasu!

Alternative Titles I Am a Class President, but to Be in Love So Much That I Be a Bad Girl!, I'm a Class President, but to Be in Love So Much That I Be a Bad Girl!, I'm the Class President, but I Fell in Love and Became a Bad Girl!, I'm the Class President, but I Fell in Love and Became a Delinquent!, 委員長ですが不良になるほど恋してます!

Synopsis Iinchou desu ga Furyou ni Naru Hodo Koishitemasu!

クラス委員長を務める真面目な真崎涼子 (まざき りょうこ) は、 ある決意をする。
それは、不良になって幼なじみの轟正斗 (とどろき まさと) の気を引くこと。
なぜなら、 正斗は風紀委員長で、不良に対しては注意するが、真面目な涼子には構ってくれないから。

待望のコミックス第①巻 6/12発売決定!

Ryoko Masaki is a serious class president, yet she has decided to become a delinquent to catch the attention of her childhood friend, Masato Todoroki. The reason is that as a discipline committee president, Masato always goes out of his way to remind delinquents of their attires, yet he doesn’t pay any mind to the serious Ryoko. That’s why Ryoko decided to dye her hair and shorten her skirt, and when Masato saw her, he was devasted and concerned. Is this what Ryoko had hoped for?A ridiculous rom-com between a serious class president and a dense discipline committee member!

Released 2023
Author HIMIYA Jouzu
Artist HIMIYA Jouzu
Serialization COMIC Meteor (Flex Comix)
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Keywords: read iinchou desu ga furyou ni naru hodo koishitemasu!, iinchou desu ga furyou ni naru hodo koishitemasu! english, iinchou desu ga furyou ni naru hodo koishitemasu! eng, download iinchou desu ga furyou ni naru hodo koishitemasu! eng, read iinchou desu ga furyou ni naru hodo koishitemasu! online

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