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Kimi wa Radio wo Suki Dakara
Followed by 112 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Kimi wa Radio wo Suki Dakara

Alternative Titles きみがラジオを好きだから, Because you like the radio

Synopsis Kimi wa Radio wo Suki Dakara

筋金入りのラジオ好き高校生・君嶋太陽は『ラジオ研究会』の設立を目論む日々を過ごしていた。 しかし、同志は見つけられずメンバーは自分だけ…。 そんな中、ある日行ったラジフェスで、運命的に女の子と出会い―!?

Bringing you a romantic tale that all begins with the radio. ♪

Hardcore radio enthusiast, Taiyou Kimishima, spends his high school days dreaming of establishing a Radio Studies club. Unfortunately, like-minded people are hard to come by, and Taiyou serves as the club’s only member. And then one day, a fateful encounter at Radifest lands him up-close-and-personal with someone who could end up being the girl of his dreams…

Released 2020
Author 高橋つばさ
Artist 高橋つばさ
Serialization Shounen Ace
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Keywords: read kimi wa radio wo suki dakara, kimi wa radio wo suki dakara english, kimi wa radio wo suki dakara eng, download kimi wa radio wo suki dakara eng, read kimi wa radio wo suki dakara online

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