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Kyou kara Akujo ni narimasu! Tsukaisute no Migawari Seijo Nante Gomen desu
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Kyou kara Akujo ni narimasu! Tsukaisute no Migawari Seijo Nante Gomen desu

Alternative Titles 今日から悪女になります! 使い捨ての身代わり聖女なんてごめんです

Synopsis Kyou kara Akujo ni narimasu! Tsukaisute no Migawari Seijo Nante Gomen desu

レオノーラ姫は唯一無二の癒やしの聖女――そう見せるため、ひそかに奇跡の力で人々を癒やしていた侍女エーダは、力の使いすぎでボロボロに。さらに、姉のように慕っていたレオノーラに切り捨てられ、水の中に投げ入れられてしまった!? もう死んだと思っていたけれど……。大国の傭兵グロウ達に助けられ、本物の聖女として見返してやろうと誘われて!?
聖女も侍女もごめんです! 「悪女」になってこんな国、滅ぼしてやる!!

「一迅社文庫アイリス」の話題作をコミカライズ!< 悪女になりたい本物聖女の巻き返しラブファンタジー!!

Princess Leonora is a one-of-a-kind healing saint.To make it seem like she is, Eda, the maid who secretly heals people with her miraculous powers, falls apart from overusing her powers. What’s more, she was cut off by Leonora, whom she loved like a sister, and thrown into the water!? She thought she was already dead, but… She was rescued by mercenary Glow and his friends from a large country, and they invited her to return as a true saint!?I’m sorry, saint and maid! I’ll become an “evil woman” and destroy this country!! Comicalize the popular works of “Ichijinsha Bunko Iris”!A love fantasy about a real saint who wants to become a bad girl!!

Released 2024
Author ONOGAMI Meiya
Artist URITA Nohito
Serialization Zero-Sum Online (Ichijinsha)
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Keywords: read kyou kara akujo ni narimasu! tsukaisute no migawari seijo nante gomen desu, kyou kara akujo ni narimasu! tsukaisute no migawari seijo nante gomen desu english, kyou kara akujo ni narimasu! tsukaisute no migawari seijo nante gomen desu eng, download kyou kara akujo ni narimasu! tsukaisute no migawari seijo nante gomen desu eng, read kyou kara akujo ni narimasu! tsukaisute no migawari seijo nante gomen desu online



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