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Peach Boy Riverside
Followed by 241 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Peach Boy Riverside

Alternative Titles Персиковый мальчик, пришедший с другого побережья, ピーチボーイリバーサイド

Synopsis Peach Boy Riverside

誰もが知る“あの童話”には続きがあった…! 750万超のアクセスを記録する伝説のWEB漫画、新生!! 『旦那が何を言っているかわからない件』『小森さんは断れない!』ほか数多くの連載を持つ漫画家・クール教信者が、デビュー以前から描き続けてきたファンタジー巨編!!

From Kodansha:Saltherine, princess of the Kingdom of Aldarake, dreams of traveling the world a dangerous dream in a land where monsters roam the countryside. A chance meeting with a wanderer named Mikoto gives her hope that she might still find excitement in her life. But then she discovers the wanderer’s true identity: Momotaro the Peach Boy, demon slayer of legend. Though terrified by his bloody profession, Sally feels driven to follow Momotaro and learn more. But is this curiosity, or a magical connection that goes deeper than either of them realize?A remake of the webcomic of the same name.

Released 2015
Author COOL Kyoushinsha, Yohane
Artist Yohane
Serialization Shounen Magazine R (Kodansha)Getsumaga Kichi (Kodansha)
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Keywords: read peach boy riverside, peach boy riverside english, peach boy riverside eng, download peach boy riverside eng, read peach boy riverside online

Chapter Peach Boy Riverside



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