しかし、理工学専攻として、「理論的に好きを証明できなければ、好きとは言えないし、理系としても失格!」 その信念をもとに、2人は研究室のメンバーを巻き込んで「恋」の定義に関する証明実験を始める!? デート実験、好きの構成要素の解明、心拍数計測実験、ムード値の計測……。個性的過ぎる愛すべき理系たちが「恋」を理論的に証明する笑いありキュンキュンありの理系ラブコメディ!
Yukimura Shinya and Himuro Ayame are two scientists that want to find out if love can be solved by a scientific theory. These two scientists also have feelings for each other and want to be able to understand their feelings through similar theoretical facts. With this perfect opportunity, these scientists will attempt to solve the theory of the love they express for each other.
An experimental-sciences love comedy with laughs and kyun kyun with the laboratory where individual researchers come together as a stage.