とある国の教会。そこには可愛いけどだらけグセのある聖女さまと、過保護で料理上手で鈍感な牧師さまが住んでいました。くっつき過ぎず、離れ過ぎずな二人の関係を温かい目で見守ってください! ファンタジーな世界観のもと繰り広げられる“無自覚いちゃラブコメディ”、開幕!!
Saint Cecilia is beloved by the townspeople. Not only is she elegant and composed, she benevolently shares her wisdom with all who seek it. That is until the last person has left at which point she becomes totally hopeless! Only Pastor Lawrence is keeping the Saint put together enough to do her duties and though she may test him, it’s all in a day’s work.