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Shotgun Boy
Followed by 8 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

Shotgun Boy

Alternative Titles 엽총소년, Chico Escopeta, Le Garçon au fusil, Мальчик с ружьем, 猎枪少年, 獵槍少年, 獵銃少年, 엽총 소년, 엽총소년

Synopsis Shotgun Boy

약자에서 영웅이 될 수밖에 없었던 소년 ‘한규환’,
그리고 그 소년을 영웅으로 만들어줄 엽총 한 자루가 눈앞에 있다.
글로벌 누적 조회수 12억 뷰를 기록한 <스위트홈>의 프리퀄 대공개!

While running for his life in the woods, bullying victim Gyuhwan stumbles upon a shotgun and just enough shells for his classmates. It’s a recipe for disaster. But fate takes an unexpected turn when he returns to find his classmates under attack by brain-eating creatures. Now, the only thing that stands in the way of their ravenous feast is a boy with a shotgun.

Released 2021
Author Kim Carnby
Artist Hong Pil
Serialization Naver Webtoon (Naver)
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Keywords: read shotgun boy, shotgun boy english, shotgun boy eng, download shotgun boy eng, read shotgun boy online

Chapter Shotgun Boy



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