犯罪者や異教徒が跋扈する荒廃した最悪の土地・ベイバロン領。若くして家督を継いで領主となったリゼは、凶悪な領民に殺されないため、一つの決断を下す。それは――領民に媚びへつらうこと! “王族や貴族にのみ与えられた神の力”とされる魔法を領民のために使いまくれば、幸せな暮らしを手に入れられる!
Baibalon, a territory considered the worst in the country. A place where those who have no home left flee to, filled with criminals, heretics, sick people and demihumans.
Taking over the family as the next Lord, the young Rize Baibalon will try his best to stay alive in this god-forsaken place, not worrying if what he does to achieve that goal is going against the very founding doctrine of the country.
With little common sense and recovery magic, can he accomplish his peace? Or will the misunderstandings continue to pile up and will he be branded as a Rebel?