죽은 줄 알았는데 눈 떠보니 귀족의 딸로 환생했다?! 17년 인생 죽어라 공부만 하다 죽었고, 다시 살아났는데 또다시 공부에 치일 수는 없지! 인생 2회차. 성격이 조금 삐딱한 걸 빼면 평범했던 여고생 진이 크로웰의 거침없는 대륙 탐방이 시작된다!
Following the trauma of a studying-induced death, Jinny is reborn into a fantastical realm filled with magic, orcs, and talking spirits. As Geenie Crowell, the daughter of a noble and a bona fide genius, everyone has big plans for her, including her new parents, teachers, and even the king! Not too keen on all these high expectations that might end badly for her again, Geenie thinks up the perfect way out from slaving over a hot magic wand: if she becomes a summoner, she’ll be able to summon a spirit and have them do all the work! But Geenie will soon learn that there’s more to it all than just adorable spirit companions and collecting mana. Being a summoner comes with great responsibility–and dangerous consequences as well. Based on the hit novel.