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The Unfavorable Job [Appraiser] Is Actually the Strongest
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Type Manga

The Unfavorable Job [Appraiser] Is Actually the Strongest

Alternative Titles 不遇職【鑑定士】が実は最強だった~奈落で鍛えた最強の【神眼】で無双する~

Synopsis The Unfavorable Job [Appraiser] Is Actually the Strongest

生まれた時に女神から与えられる【職業】。アインが与えられたのは数ある職業の中でも特に不遇だと言われている[鑑定士]。素材の鑑定しかできないアインは、パーティー内でも酷い扱いを受けていた。そんな絶望の日々を過ごしていたある日、たまたま見つけた隠しダンジョンで世界樹の精霊ユーリに出会う。彼女との出会いをきっかけにアインの運命の歯車は大きく動き出す…!「小説家になろう」発!不遇職からの人生大逆転ファンタジー開幕!! ※「小説家になろう」は株式会社ヒナプロジェクトの登録商標です

When a child is born, they are granted a [JOB] by the goddess of light. Unfortunately, Ain is granted the unfavourable job of an [Appraiser]. All he can do is appraise materials, and so he is treated horribly by his own party. Then, one day, he happens to come across an S-Rank tree hidden in a dungeon. Following this encounter, Ain slowly but surely changes…

Released 2020
Author Ibara Kino
Artist Fuji Morohoshi 
Serialization Magazine Pocket (Kodansha)
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Keywords: read the unfavorable job [appraiser] is actually the strongest, the unfavorable job [appraiser] is actually the strongest english, the unfavorable job [appraiser] is actually the strongest eng, download the unfavorable job [appraiser] is actually the strongest eng, read the unfavorable job [appraiser] is actually the strongest online

Chapter The Unfavorable Job [Appraiser] Is Actually the Strongest



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