セシアは怠惰なお嬢様の替え玉として学園に通う、子爵家の下働き。 無事に卒業できれば一生暮らしていけるだけの報酬が待っているとあって、 学園では令嬢達のぬるいイジメをかわし、屋敷ではこき使われる生活を送っていたが、 卒業直前になって報酬がゼロになる罠にハマってしまう。 絶対に仕返ししてやる、とセシアが息巻いていると 突然「仕返しをするなら手伝うぞ」と面識もない第二王子様が現れて!? 徹底抗戦を信条とするド根性ヒロインと、国のために命をかける悪童王子の、 ワケありスリリング・ラブファンタジー開幕!
Cecia is a lazy young lady’s double. She is a servant of the Viscount’s family, and if she graduates successfully, she will be rewarded with enough money to live on for the rest of her life. She is a lukewarm bully of the daughters at the academy and a hard worker in the mansion. But just before graduation, she falls into a trap where she gets paid nothing. Cecia is determined to get back at them. Suddenly, a second prince, whom she has never met before, appears and says, “If you want to get back at me, I’ll help you!” A heroine who believes in fighting back, and the bad boy prince who puts his life on the line for his country, a love story that is not a simple one!