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How to Hide the Emperor Child
Followed by 42 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

How to Hide the Emperor Child

Alternative Titles 황제의 아이를 숨기는 방법, 황제의 아이를 숨기는 방법, How to Hide the Emperor's Child

Synopsis How to Hide the Emperor Child

“이혼해 줘, 아스텔. 어차피 당신도 날 사랑한 적 없잖아?” 황제 카이젠만을 바라보며 완벽한 황후가 되기 위해 노력했던 아스텔. 하지만 카이젠의 이혼 요구에 아스텔의 10년이 하룻밤만에 부서졌다. 다시는 황실과 얽히지 않으리라 다짐하며 가족과의 연까지 끊어내고, 시골로 몸을 숨기지만… “…임신, 하신 것 같습니다.” 과연 아스텔은 카이젠과 위협 세력으로부터 황제의 아이, 테오르를 무사히 숨길 수 있을까?

“You never loved me anyway, did you?”

The marriage that Astell had been waiting for all her life came to an end in one day. She wanted to be Kaizen’s wife since she was 10 years old, but all she had left was the stigma of being an empress. Astell wanted to leave.

“Yes, yes, I didn’t love you,”

Astell lied one last time to the man who was the reason for living, to the man who had been her husband for a day, so she thought she would never have any contact with him again, however…

“I… I think you’re pregnant? ”

Six years later, Astell, reunited with Kaizen, lied to him again in order to protect her child.

“Who… who is that boy?”

“He’s my nephew.”

Released 2022
Author 26 [Add, ]Lee Yeon-sun [Add, ]
Artist Ssal
Serialization KakaoPage (KakaoPage)
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Keywords: read how to hide the emperor child, how to hide the emperor child english, how to hide the emperor child eng, download how to hide the emperor child eng, read how to hide the emperor child online

Chapter How to Hide the Emperor Child



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