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Marriage and Sword
Followed by 34 people
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Type Manhwa

Marriage and Sword Raw

Alternative Titles 메리지 앤 소드, Pernikahan Dan Pedang, Sword & Marriage, 메리지 앤 소드

Synopsis Marriage and Sword

황제의 검이자 제국의 영광, 타르가옐 가(家).

그러나 이름만 그럴듯한 타르가옐 백작가는 망했다. 그냥 망한 게 아니라, 쫄딱 망했다.

단지 먹고 살기위해서, 엘제는 정체를 감추고 전쟁에 참전한다.

경이로운 검술로 이름을 날리고, 돈도 두둑하게 벌어서 집으로 돌아온 엘제는 이제 행복해질 일만 남았다고 생각했으나-

갑자기 날아든 날벼락 같은 소식, 황명으로 인한 정략결혼!

그 상대는 엘제가 전쟁에서 목숨을 구해줬던 제국군의 부사령관, 샨 키락서스인데…….

House Targael, the sword of the Emperor and the glory of the Empire. House Targael, whose name was respectable, was doomed. They weren’t just doomed, they were destroyed. Just to make ends meet, Elze hides her identity and goes to war. After returning home, Elze who made a name for herself through her amazing swordsmanship and gained a fortune thought that all she had to do was live a happy life. Unexpectedly, a political marriage was arranged by the Emperor’s orders! Her partner to be was Shan Kiraxus, deputy commander of the Imperial Army, who she saved in the war…

Released 2022
Author Saha
Artist Kkanaria
Serialization KakaoPage (KakaoPage)
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Keywords: read marriage and sword, marriage and sword english, marriage and sword eng, download marriage and sword eng, read marriage and sword online

Chapter Marriage and Sword

