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My Younger Brother Wants to Be a Husband
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Status Ongoing
Type Manhwa

My Younger Brother Wants to Be a Husband Raw

Alternative Titles 남이 된 남동생이 남편이 되려 한다, 离开家族的弟弟想要当我老公, 남이 된 남동생이 남편이 되려 한다

Synopsis My Younger Brother Wants to Be a Husband

엄마의 재혼으로 인해 남동생이 생겼다. 기쁜 마음으로 남동생, 밀리안과 가족이 되기 위해 노력했다. 아무리 그가 까칠하게 굴어도 악착같이 치근거렸다. 그 노력이 빛을 발했을까? 제법 친해졌다고 안심하는 찰나. 밀리안은 편지만 딸랑 남긴 채 전쟁터로 가버렸다. 그렇게 밀리안이 전쟁터로 간 지 5년. [밀리안, 나 이번에 선 봐.] 그녀가 보낸 편지로 인해 5년간 지지부진했던 전쟁이 끝날 줄 누가 알았을까? “이제 누나 아니야.” 밀리안이 가문에서 제명됐다는 서류 하나를 팔랑거리며 말했다. “다른 남자한테 웃어주지 마. 나 살인자로 만들기 싫으면.” 밀리안 에드모어 레이첼. 아니, 이제는 밀리안 테일러스. 남동생이 남이 되어 돌아왔다. 남이 된 것도 서러운데, 뭐? 이젠 남편이 되겠다고? ……그런데 나, 왜 떨리는 거지? 이러면 안 되는 거잖아.

My mother remarried and I had a younger brother. With a happy heart, I tried to be a family with my younger brother, Millian. No matter how badly he behaved, it didn’t matter. Did my effort shine?

I’m relieved that we’ve gotten quite close. Millian left a letter and went to war. It’s been five years since Millian went to war. [Millian, I’m going to see you this time.] Who knew my letter would end the five-year-long war?

“Now I’m not your brother anymore,” Millian flashed a document which said that he had been expelled from the family, “Sister, don’t laugh with other men, unless you want to make me a murderer.”

Millian Edmore Rachel. No, now it’s Millian Taylor. My younger brother returned as a man. It’s sad that he’s someone else right now, but what? He’s going to be a husband? …But why am I so nervous? I shouldn’t do this.

Released 2022
Author Senri
Artist Pajik
Serialization KakaoPage (Kakao)
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Keywords: read my younger brother wants to be a husband, my younger brother wants to be a husband english, my younger brother wants to be a husband eng, download my younger brother wants to be a husband eng, read my younger brother wants to be a husband online

Chapter My Younger Brother Wants to Be a Husband

