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소설 속 폭군 황제에게 빙의했다.
사흘 뒤면 반역으로 죽을 예정인 황제‘율리아’에게.
전생의 복수도 해야 하고, 반역도 막아야 하는
워커홀릭 황제 폐하의 살길 찾기 프로젝트.
기왕 황제 된 거, 폭군보다 성군이 낫잖아?
의외로 황제 체질.
외강내강 직진형 황제 율리아의
파란만장 제국 통치기!
After downing one too many glasses of wine one night, Songha wakes up inside the world of her favorite novel as Empress Yulia. But being given the reins to an empire isn’t as exciting as it seems—the tyrannical Yulia will soon meet a bloody fate at the hands of the captain of her personal guards, Justo. Songha must think of a way to reverse the events that lead up to the coup d’état, which will take place in just three days.
She chooses to use warmth and benevolence to reach out to a group of loyal subjects Yulia exiled, but will her strategy be enough to win back the people’s trust? Or will the empress’s sudden change in behavior raise even more suspicion among the rebels?