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Where Is Goddess
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Type Manhwa

Where Is Goddess Raw

Alternative Titles 공대엔 여신이 없다?, Engineering Beauties, Is There No Goddess in My College?, �¿Hay Diosas en Ingeniería?!, 誰說理組沒正妹?, 谁说理组没正妹?, 공대엔 여신이 없다?

Synopsis Where Is Goddess

아싸 외길인 공대생 창욱. 어느 날 공대 여신이라 불리는 여대생들의 은밀한 비밀을 하나씩 알게 되는데… “비밀로 해주시면 안돼요? 대신… 한번 빨아줄게요..”

Chang-wook, an engineering college student who’s a bit out of the way. One day, he learns the secret secrets of female college students who are called the engineering goddesses… “Can’t you keep it a secret? Instead… I’ll give you a suck.”

Released 2021
Author OB [Add, ]
Artist 야근늘보 [Add, ]
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Keywords: read where is goddess, where is goddess english, where is goddess eng, download where is goddess eng, read where is goddess online

