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Only Sense Online
Followed by 1238 people
Status Ongoing
Type Manga

Only Sense Online Raw

Alternative Titles Только чувство онлайн, 온리 센스 온라인, オンリーセンス・オンライン

Synopsis Only Sense Online

ネット発の新世代MMOノベル、コミカライズ!! 廃ゲーマーの姉妹と共に、【センス】と呼ばれるスキルを組み合わせ“唯一”の強さを目指すVRMMORPG【Only Sense Online】を始めた初心者プレイヤー・ユンは、ゴミスキルとされるサポート系統のスキルばかり身につけてしまうが…!?

Utilizing a system called “Sense,” each player aims to create their unique character in the VRMMORPG “Only Sense Online.” Joining this realm is Yun, an absolute beginner in the world of gaming, equipped with some of the worst customized “Sense” ever. While his two sisters, both veterans in this world, criticize his choices of equipment, he continues to delve into the skill sets he has acquired. Along his way, he meets the art of “production” and people that have mastered this art. Watch as a total novice creates a revolution in the gaming world and create the “ultimate” support class.

Released 2015
Author ALOHA Zachou
Artist HANI Kuraun
Serialization Age Premium (Fujimi Shobo)Dragon Age (Fujimi Shobo)
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Keywords: read only sense online, only sense online english, only sense online eng, download only sense online eng, read only sense online online

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